Sunday 28 April 2013

a reaction to some recent declarations



Alexandre the great, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo,  Marcel Proust,  these are just few names  that whether one is a warrior, an artist, or a philosopher… a person must have heard of at least one of them….and their great achievements, which were of a great influence and impact on history and mankind… those people have a thing in common… yes… they are males.
well, that is obvious, but they are also into males. So they count as MSM : men who have sex with men… also in the category of Homosexuals.
So what if the new laws we apply now, in such a country as Lebanon, were applied…
what if those people were harassed, thrown into jail for their homosexuality, or better yet, killed?  Would the world has been a better place?
Luckily, we have preachers like Mr Chakhtoura, mayor of Dekwani, also few other singers such as Mohammad Skandar, and others, also Big names who are even more important than Marcel Proust, and co. such as Jamal Barakat , “ for those who don t know him, he’s one journalist at aljaras… yes.. the magazine that changed history with its scientific research and religious callings..NOT!”

IN 2013, we still struggle in Lebanon to , not even claim the basic human rights, such as the right to live, with no harassment, prejudice, the right to have our liberties respected..

I am very well admiring the concern of those who are so worried that our existence, as homosexuals, will affect their social progress, not to remind them that many of the people who made the biggest positive changes in art, history, and social and medical fields were homosexuals…

Apparently, Love threatens some… love between two same sex partners is clearly a danger to the community, because it does lead to crime…
love between two people leads to economical degradation, to corruption, to the deterioration of infrastructure and of course, the people concerned are worried tat Lebanon might fall into becoming like other cities, such as London,  San Francisco and Madrid…
Because those cities, are of course, a symbol of social deterioration and that s why, those people have great transportation system, architecture, political life, human rights, public gardens and equal pay…
With all due respect… We do not want Beirut to be dropping to such levels… we need Beirut to fit higher standards… one that it is struggling with now…

Where big prophets called on non-prejudice,  bigger, more important people disagree…


It’s just a small conversation that I had with the writer of an article who was showing support to the action of the mayor of Dekwani upon his raid on a gay club last Saturday, 20 th of April 2013 
I will not go into discussion about the sexual orientation of the writer of the article himself… non of my business. But I would like to point out that, when people, consider they able to judge others based on things like sexual orientation and gender…. Then I really see no hope for the nation unless we make a 180 degrees s hit and change….

I have to say that I am more than proud with the LGBT’s stand against such activities…
Bloggers, NGOs, and media… those who are brave enough to admit their sexuality, and be comfortable to live as they were born to live… enjoying and celebrating freedom… taking in their own hands to make a change and defy stigma and discrimination… we shall all meet , on the 30th … April 2013… to make a stand.. whether gay, gay friendly, supportive of freedom and human rights … See you all there and show pride and support… until we hold our GAY PRIDE PARADE soon!

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